Mercy Without WIIFM

Mercy Without WIIFM

In this video we’ll consider the deep teaching of Jesus via his sermon on the mount series. Today we’ll consider what REAL mercy looks like without the “what’s in it for me” mentality that is so pervasive in our culture. (Click the image...
Meek not Weak | A New Way to Be Human

Meek not Weak | A New Way to Be Human

This is the fourth video in our series entitled “A New Way to be Human” in which we look deeper at the Sermon on the Mount and it’s deep message of how to be more fully human. In this video we’ll consider what Jesus means when he tells his...
What to Do With Worry

What to Do With Worry

Most of us struggle from time to time and often feel the anxiety of worry. We’ll stay up at night worrying about potentially poor outcomes to problems we can’t control. We’ll daydream about conflicts and remove ourselves from being fully present to...
Mystery of the Divine

Mystery of the Divine

For many of us the picture of the Divine has shifted over time. For some the image of a person sitting in space watching humanity no longer works. For some the father image or super hero seems a bit far fetched or even unrealistic. In this video we’ll consider...
Mustard Seeds and Breathing In

Mustard Seeds and Breathing In

What does HONEST faith look like in today’s culture? When one has faith, what does that really mean? Today we look at some ideas of how faith can be a practical way of life that puts us in connection with our own journey. If you found this video helpful please...