Who is the person of Jesus? Was he a demigod who came to the earth to die in place of man to satisfy his Zeus- like father? Was he more of a mixture of various rabbinical voices and teachings in Judaism written to give hope and meaning to a specific people or was he simply a made up myth made to inspire in only metaphorical ways. Or, was Jesus a mythical picture of the divine inside each of us? Today I’ll take time to consider each of these, share where I’ve come and how to live out the deeper message of Jesus today.

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If you’d like to read oms helpful books on this topic please consider reading some of these books:

  1. Liberating the Gospels John Shelby Spong
  2. Jesus for the Non-Non-Religious JSS
  3. Misquoting Jesus Bart D. Ehrman
  4. Jesus Interrupted BDH
  5. Jesus the Jewish Theologian Brad Young