Ever watch someone who gets what they had coming? I’ve had these primal moments when my enemies have suffered the consequences of their actions and honestly, it’s never quite what I thought it would be. 

A friend of mine was telling me about some recent news he’d just had. This organization he worked for had a leader that was over him. Very insecure man who made some political, behind the back moves and caused him a lot of pain, so much so that he ended up moving his family and changing careers. 

He told me that he got news that this man that caused him so man pain had this really embarrassing moment that caused people to see him in a pretty poor light. I expected him to seem happy but what he said surprised me. 

He said, “I know I should feel good because he had it coming but the reality is, I just feel sorry for him.” 

Here he was, in a place he could potentially act “high and mighty” but he responded with compassion. This, this is a kingdom come reality. 

This is what we observe in Revelation 14- the Jewish people stand on a mountain observing the effects of beastly empires. They could easily pass judgment, shout victorious in your face screams. What happens is a reflection of what they value. 

Consider some of these phrases:

Revelation 14:1-3

Mount Zion: These marginalized people who choose the Christ path are described again as warriors, soldiers who have the high ground and they stand on Mount Zion, a place that throughout the Old Testament is a place where people come to worship (Isaiah 24:23). 

Written on foreheads: Again, this is a reference to Jewish people who carry the phylacteries, Torah in boxes on foreheads and wrist, opposite of the ash that was required by Domitian for worship and trade. 

Sound from Heaven: Reminiscent of when the law is given on Mt Sinai along with harp music used in worship. 

No one knows this song but them: Isn’t this true? The individuals who’ve experienced grace, allowed themselves to experience healing their brokenness, they are the ones that are singing and worshipping with the most emotion. People who’ve experienced the life sustaining, love and compassion and have a song to sing.

*This all paints a picture of what the Christ path looks like. When the world is going to hell in a handbasket, these peaceful people are not found holding weapons of mass destruction, they are worshipping in breathe and truth. (actions and words)

Revelation 14:4-5

Kept themselves pure from women: This is understood when viewing the ancient world. The virgin is described all throughout the OT as their God’s people (2 Kings 19:21, Jeremiah 18:13, Lam. 2:13, 2 Corinthians 11:2 while unfaithfulness to God is observed in those who choose against God’s love (Ezekiel 16, Hos. 5:4) 

Also was understood militarily. Men were required not to have relations with women before battle. They were asked not to fornicate with women from pagan cultures.   

Three Angel’s of Revelation

The three angel’s messages should be understood in terms of not sequences, this message then this and then the end of the world. It is less about prediction and more about grace toward mankind and a new rule of peace over the world.

In the Hebrew mind this is called parousia- it’s when peace gets its way every day. Good defeats evil by exposing it and its consequences. 

This is what the three angels’ message really is. 

It’s like this:

Consider the sex talk with your teenage children. If you choose to demonize sex, make it seem evil and sinful and use lots of Bible verses to prove your point history has shown us this approach simply doesn’t work. While it’s a great way to STOP a conversation and cause them to see the Bible as an irrelevant piece of literature it does not help them navigate sex. Rather than that worn out approach why not do this?

Have an actual conversation. Talk about why one has sex. Talk about the consequences of sex. Talk about the emotions that are often connected to it and the pros and cons of sexual activity. Do this and they may begin to live responsibly with the large decision. They just might second guess late night decisions. 

This is the Three Angels Message. It’s not a message of future predictions but present ones. If one chooses to go down THAT path– these are the consequences. And the beauty of the message is that the good parent will still be there to live and support the child.

The message is not “I can’t wait til you get what you deserve.” The real message is– if you choose to go the wrong direction than there is still hope for new life– but maybe choose the better path now rather than suffer the consequences later.