Parental Advisories and Kicking Donkeys

Parental Advisories and Kicking Donkeys

In the 1980’s a new genre emerges that will change music radio. That new genre we now call rap.  Rapping essentially involves the speaking or chanting of rhyming lyrics, often set to a beat. The rhyming created by rappers is considered by many to be one of the...
Falling Cities and Fiery Pits

Falling Cities and Fiery Pits

There is this narrative I was taught during my youth while attending church. We’d often find ourselves thumbing through one book more often than any others — that book? Revelation.  The end time narrative was that at some point in time Jesus would come again —...
Harlots and Priests

Harlots and Priests

I remember vividly sitting through beast seminars as a kid. I remember the pastor showing his charts and scary looking beasts, his challenges of memorizing given scriptures and his constant reminder that the “end is near”. But there was always one slide that caused my...
Getting What You Deserve | Revelation 14

Getting What You Deserve | Revelation 14

Ever watch someone who gets what they had coming? I’ve had these primal moments when my enemies have suffered the consequences of their actions and honestly, it’s never quite what I thought it would be.  A friend of mine was telling me about some recent news he’d...
When the Earth Cries Out

When the Earth Cries Out

In our study together online we’ve been discussing the book of Revelation and how it was NOT a letter pointing to some geopolitical date in the future but a letter for a present 1st century people who’d just experienced deep loss and debilitating fear....